The Art, Architecture, and Spirits of Lower Manhattan

Lower Manhattan is the oldest part of New York City; it is an excellent location to learn about groundbreaking public art and architecture.

Lower Manhattan is the oldest part of New York City; it is an excellent location to learn about groundbreaking public art and architecture. The southern tip of the island, the Battery, is the birthplace of modern America. As old as it is, it teems with the spirits of the past. Join us as we explore the city’s most historically exciting and mysterious area.

Public art is part of the fabric of New York City; on this tour, you will see the Cube and Sunken Fountain, Four Trees, Double Check, and the two Wall Street icons, The Fearless Girl and Charging Bull. Salted within these examples of public art are buildings in a diversity of styles, Greek and Gothic Revival, Beaux Arts, Art Deco, and International style skyscrapers, and the last great unregulated tower, the Equitable Building. A structure that led to significant zoning law changes that resonate to this day.

Realize, as you walk, you are trodding the same streets that Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Aaron Burr, and other founders walked as they plotted and schemed to defeat the British and lay the foundation for our country. There have been numerous spirit sightings along these old streets.

There is the ghost of Chloe, the protector of domestic animals. On Evacuation Day, when the British left Manhattan for good, Johnny Van Arsdale clambered up

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